Rap Beat Automation
This script loads drum and melody samples using pydub
, generates random patterns for drums and melodies, overlays them to create a final mix, and exports the mix as an MP3 file. Remember, for this to work, you'll need the drum and melody WAV files (kick.wav
, snare.wav
, hihat.wav
, clap.wav
, melody1.wav
, and melody2.wav
) in the same directory as your script, and you'll also need to have pydub
installed (pip install pydub
). Additionally, pydub
might require you to install ffmpeg
to handle MP3 files.
# My first version of this script T.me/SleepTheGod do not contact me unless
# It is about something important do not waste my time thank you.
# Rap Beat Automation By ClumsyLulz
import random
import numpy as np
import librosa
import soundfile as sf
import os
import uuid
# Load the drum samples
kick = librosa.load("kick.wav")[0]
snare = librosa.load("snare.wav")[0]
hihat = librosa.load("hihat.wav")[0]
clap = librosa.load("clap.wav")[0]
# Create a function to generate a random drum pattern in the style of SparkMasterTape
def generate_drum_pattern(length):
pattern = np.zeros(length)
for i in range(length):
if random.random() < 0.5:
pattern[i] = kick
elif random.random() < 0.75:
pattern[i] = snare
elif random.random() < 0.85:
pattern[i] = hihat
pattern[i] = clap
# Add some swing to the pattern
if random.random() < 0.2:
pattern[i] = np.roll(pattern[i], 1)
return pattern
# Generate a random drum pattern
drum_pattern = generate_drum_pattern(10000)
# Load the melody samples
melody1 = librosa.load("melody1.wav")[0]
melody2 = librosa.load("melody2.wav")[0]
# Create a function to generate a random melody pattern in the style of SparkMasterTape
def generate_melody_pattern(length):
pattern = np.zeros(length)
for i in range(length):
if random.random() < 0.5:
pattern[i] = melody1
pattern[i] = melody2
# Add some randomness to the pattern
if random.random() < 0.2:
pattern[i] = np.roll(pattern[i], 1)
return pattern
# Generate a random melody pattern
melody_pattern = generate_melody_pattern(10000)
# Mix the drum and melody patterns together
mixed_pattern = drum_pattern + melody_pattern
# Normalize the mixed pattern
mixed_pattern = mixed_pattern / np.max(mixed_pattern)
# Add some reverb to the mixed pattern
mixed_pattern = librosa.effects.reverb(mixed_pattern, reverb_time=1)
# Generate a unique filename for the MP3 file
filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".mp3"
# Save the mixed pattern to an MP3 file
sf.write(filename, mixed_pattern, 44100)
print("MP3 file saved as:", filename)
# The enhanced and functional version of the script.
import random
import numpy as np
from pydub import AudioSegment
import uuid
# Helper function to load samples
def load_sample(filename):
return AudioSegment.from_file(filename)
# Load the drum samples
kick = load_sample("kick.wav")
snare = load_sample("snare.wav")
hihat = load_sample("hihat.wav")
clap = load_sample("clap.wav")
# Create a function to generate a random drum pattern
def generate_drum_pattern(duration_ms):
pattern = AudioSegment.silent(duration=duration_ms)
beats_per_minute = 120
beat_duration_ms = int(60000 / beats_per_minute)
for i in range(0, duration_ms, beat_duration_ms):
if random.random() < 0.5:
pattern = pattern.overlay(kick, position=i)
if random.random() < 0.3:
pattern = pattern.overlay(snare, position=i + beat_duration_ms//2)
if random.random() < 0.7:
pattern = pattern.overlay(hihat, position=i)
if random.random() < 0.2:
pattern = pattern.overlay(clap, position=i)
return pattern
# Generate a random drum pattern
drum_pattern = generate_drum_pattern(30000) # 30 seconds long
# Load the melody samples
melody1 = load_sample("melody1.wav")
melody2 = load_sample("melody2.wav")
# Create a function to generate a random melody pattern
def generate_melody_pattern(duration_ms):
pattern = AudioSegment.silent(duration=duration_ms)
segment_duration_ms = 4000 # Each melody segment lasts for 4 seconds
for i in range(0, duration_ms, segment_duration_ms):
if random.random() < 0.5:
pattern = pattern.overlay(melody1, position=i)
pattern = pattern.overlay(melody2, position=i)
return pattern
# Generate a random melody pattern
melody_pattern = generate_melody_pattern(30000) # 30 seconds long
# Mix the drum and melody patterns together
mixed_pattern = drum_pattern.overlay(melody_pattern)
# Generate a unique filename for the MP3 file
filename = f"{uuid.uuid4()}.mp3"
# Export the mixed pattern to an MP3 file
mixed_pattern.export(filename, format="mp3")
print("MP3 file saved as:", filename)