Port Knocking With Powershell
# Import required libraries
Import-Module Net.Sockets
Import-Module System.Net.NetworkInformation
Import-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Security# Define port knock sequence and corresponding actions
$knockSequence = @(
(1, “TCP”),
(3, “UDP”),
(2, “TCP”)
)$portKnockingActions = @(
# Perform action when first port knock is received
Write-Host “First port knock received.”
# Perform action when second port knock is received
Write-Host “Second port knock received.”
# Perform action when full port knock sequence is completed
Write-Host “Full port knock sequence completed. Activating advanced defense measures.”# Implement honeypot
$honeypotAddress = New-Object System.Net.IPAddress(“”)
$honeypot = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener($honeypotAddress, 80)
Write-Host “Honeypot activated at: $honeypotAddress”# Implement network traffic analysis
Start-NetMon -CaptureFile ‘C:\NetworkTraffic.etl’ -CaptureDuration 0
Write-Host “Network traffic monitoring started.”# Integrate with IDS
$ids = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object { $_.Name -match “Intrusion Detection System” }
if ($ids) {
Write-Host “Integrating with Intrusion Detection System.”
} else {
Write-Host “No Intrusion Detection System found.”
}# Automate response actions
Set-NetFirewallRule -Name “BlockMaliciousIP” -DisplayName “Block Malicious IP Rule” -Action Block
Write-Host “Automated response actions enabled.”# Continuously update and adapt
Schedule-Job -ScriptPath ‘C:\UpdateSecurityScript.ps1’ -Trigger (New-Object -TypeName ScheduleTrigger) -StartBoundary “12:00:00” -EndBoundary “00:00:00” -RecurrenceFrequency Daily -Action (New-Object -TypeName StartAction) -Arguments “-Update”
Write-Host “Continuous script updates scheduled.”
)# Create UDP listener to receive port knocks
$udpListener = New-Object Net.Sockets.UdpClient(addressFamily:AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
$udpListener.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 1337))# Continuously listen for incoming UDP packets and perform port knocking actions
while ($true) {
try {
$udpPacket = $udpListener.Receive(New-Object Net.Sockets.RemoteEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0))
$receivedPort = (New-Object Net.Sockets.IPEndPoint($udpPacket.Address, 0)).Port# Check if the received port matches the expected port knock sequence
$matchingKnockIndex = $knockSequence | Where-Object { $_.Port -eq $receivedPort } | Select-Object -Index 0if ($matchingKnockIndex) {
# Perform the corresponding action based on the port knock received
} catch {
# Handle errors gracefully and log them
Write-Error $_