4 min readOct 1, 2024

Cross-Platform ROP Chain Developer Unleashing Binary Exploitation Techniques

Summary of the Script

Imports and Setup: The script imports necessary libraries and modules for binary handling and logging.

Binary Class

  • Initialization: Loads the binary file and determines its type (ELF, PE, MACHO, etc.).
  • Gadget Extraction: Includes methods to extract, filter, sort, and visualize ROP gadgets from the binary.
  • ROP Chain Generation: Generates a ROP chain based on a specified target function and handles argument setup.

Command-Line Interface

  • Uses argparse to handle user inputs for the binary file, target function, payload size, and other optional parameters.
  • Supports verbose logging for detailed output.

Error Handling: Robust error handling throughout the script to catch issues and log errors for easier debugging.


You can run the script on both Linux and Windows systems, assuming the environment has Python and the necessary libraries installed. Here’s a reminder of how to execute the script

python <path_to_binary> — targetFunction <function_name> [options]


Make sure you have the following:

Additional Considerations

  • Testing: Ensure to test the script with different binaries to confirm that it correctly identifies gadgets and generates valid ROP chains.
  • Expandability: You may want to extend the script’s capabilities further, depending on your specific requirements and targets.
  • Documentation: Consider adding more comments or documentation within the script to help future users (or yourself) understand its functionality better.
import os
import logging
import argparse
from binascii import unhexlify

# Import necessary modules for binary loading
from ropgadget.loaders.elf import ELF
from ropgadget.loaders.macho import MACHO
from import PE
from ropgadget.loaders.raw import Raw
from ropgadget.loaders.universal import UNIVERSAL
from ropgadget.gadgets import RopGadget
from ropgadget.ropchain import RopChain

# Setup logging for debugging
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

class Binary:
def __init__(self, options):
self.__fileName = options.binary
self.__rawBinary = None
self.__binary = None

# Load the binary file

# Identify binary type

def load_binary(self):
"""Load the binary file into memory."""
with open(self.__fileName, "rb") as fd:
self.__rawBinary ="Loaded binary: {self.__fileName}")
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Can't open the binary or binary not found: {e}")

def identify_binary_type(self, options):
"""Identify the binary type based on its magic number."""
if options.rawArch:
self.__binary = Raw(
"thumb" if options.thumb else options.rawMode,
elif self.__rawBinary[:4] == unhexlify(b"7f454c46"): # ELF magic number
self.__binary = ELF(self.__rawBinary)
elif self.__rawBinary[:2] == unhexlify(b"4d5a"): # PE magic number
self.__binary = PE(self.__rawBinary)
elif self.__rawBinary[:4] == unhexlify(b"cafebabe"): # Universal magic number
self.__binary = UNIVERSAL(self.__rawBinary)
elif self.__rawBinary[:4] in [
]: # MACHO magic numbers
self.__binary = MACHO(self.__rawBinary)
logging.error("Binary format not supported")
raise ValueError("Binary format not supported")

def getFileName(self):
return self.__fileName

def getRawBinary(self):
return self.__rawBinary

def getBinary(self):
return self.__binary

def getEntryPoint(self):
return self.__binary.getEntryPoint()

def getDataSections(self):
return self.__binary.getDataSections()

def getExecSections(self):
return self.__binary.getExecSections()

def getArch(self):
return self.__binary.getArch()

def getArchMode(self):
return self.__binary.getArchMode()

def getEndian(self):
return self.__binary.getEndian()

def getFormat(self):
return self.__binary.getFormat()

def extractRopGadgets(self):
"""Extract ROP gadgets from the binary."""
rop_gadgets = RopGadget(self.__binary)
gadgets = rop_gadgets.getGadgets()"Extracted {len(gadgets)} gadgets.")
return gadgets
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Failed to extract ROP gadgets: {e}")
return []

def filterGadgets(self, gadgets, condition):
"""Filter gadgets based on a specific condition."""
filtered = [g for g in gadgets if condition(g)]"Filtered gadgets: {len(filtered)} remaining.")
return filtered

def sortGadgets(self, gadgets, key):
"""Sort gadgets based on a specified key."""
sorted_gadgets = sorted(gadgets, key=key)"Gadgets sorted.")
return sorted_gadgets

def generateRopChain(self, target_function, payload_size):
"""Generate a ROP chain to call a target function with arguments."""
gadgets = self.extractRopGadgets()
if not gadgets:
logging.error("No gadgets available to generate ROP chain.")
return None

rop_chain = RopChain()
chain = []

# Find the target function address
target_address = self.findTargetFunction(gadgets, target_function)
if target_address is None:
logging.error(f"Target function '{target_function}' not found in gadgets.")
return None

# Add the target function address to the chain

# Add logic for argument setup
args = [0xdeadbeef, 0xcafebabe] # Replace with actual argument values
for arg in args:
arg_gadget = self.findGadgetForArgument(gadgets, arg)
if arg_gadget:

# Check for stack alignment if necessary (typically 16-byte alignment)
if len(chain) % 2 != 0:
logging.warning("Stack may not be aligned. Consider adding a dummy gadget.")

# Output the ROP chain
return chain

def findTargetFunction(self, gadgets, target_function):
"""Find the target function's address."""
for gadget in gadgets:
if gadget.instruction and target_function in gadget.instruction:
return gadget.address
return None

def findGadgetForArgument(self, gadgets, arg):
"""Find a suitable gadget for setting up a specific argument."""
for gadget in gadgets:
if 'pop' in gadget.instruction: # Simplified check
return gadget
return None

def visualizeRopChain(self, chain):
"""Visualize the ROP chain.""""Generated ROP Chain:")
for address in chain:"ROP Gadget Address: {hex(address)}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="ROP Chain Developer Tool")
parser.add_argument("binary", help="Path to the binary file")
parser.add_argument("--rawArch", help="Specify raw architecture if applicable")
parser.add_argument("--thumb", action="store_true", help="Use thumb mode for raw binaries")
parser.add_argument("--rawMode", help="Raw mode for the binary")
parser.add_argument("--rawEndian", help="Raw endian for the binary")
parser.add_argument("--targetFunction", required=True, help="Target function to call")
parser.add_argument("--payloadSize", type=int, default=32, help="Desired size of the ROP payload")
parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", help="Enable verbose logging")

options = parser.parse_args()

if options.verbose:

binary = Binary(options)

if binary.getBinary():
chain = binary.generateRopChain(options.targetFunction, options.payloadSize)
if chain:"ROP chain successfully generated.")
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"An error occurred: {e}")

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